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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2008

6PM             HMLD Building

Present:                Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Peter Liddy, Karl Makela, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler, David White, Richard Bates, Mary Ryan, Robert Beck

Absent:         Hal Lane, Brian Forts

Others Present: Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Corrine Siena, Kaestle Boos Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates
                        Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Public Comment

Dr. D’Amico, 1355 Main Street discussed his attempts to have his driveway paved on his property.  He said that the DCR would not allow him to put asphalt down because of the driveways proximity to the watershed.  He suggested that the Public Safety Building project might have difficulty paving its property.  The Chairman asked that Mr. D’Amico send him a copy of the letter in the mail.  The Chairman said that the DCR has contacted the Committee regarding the project.

Report from the Chairman

The Chairman asked Town Manager Bullock to address the Committee.

The Manager said that the Administration has been tasked with five items to assist the Public Safety Building project: legal services, financing, finalizing the contract with the architect, the hiring of an OPM, and land acquisition.  The first three items have been completed.  The Manager updated the Committee on the final two outstanding items.  Land acquisition of the abutting property is in the P&S stage.  The Town has done some preliminary digging on site and environmental testing of the house for demolition purposes.  A household dumpsite was found on the property and some items will have to be disposed.  The Manager said that he expects the property to be under town ownership by the end of August.  This land will be used for parking.  Chief Chandler said that the Fire Department would like to use the house as a training site before the house is demolished.  Growth Management Director Dennis Lipka has suggested that the town negotiate to purchase the house “as demolished” with the demolition of the house built into the purchase price.  The Manager informed the Committee that the architectural firm of Lamoureux Pagano has been selected to represent the project as the OPM.  He said that the budget for the OPM would use the entire budgeted amount of $400,000.  Mr. Bullock introduced Mr. Pagano and Mr. Para, Architects with Lamoureux Pagano, to the Committee.  Mr. Pagano said that he attended a meeting held on 6/17 with Kaestle Boos, Lamoureux Pagano and the Chair.  The Traffic study has been completed.  The Manager will forward the report to the Chairman. The Clerk of the Works will be brought on in January ’09.  The Chairman said that Project Management section has been added to the agenda.

Project Management

Mr. Pagano addressed the Committee.  The Project Reform Act mandates that any project over 1.5M must have an Owners Project Manager (OPM) as part of the project.  Mr. Pagano said his firm has developed a matrix of the services and responsibilities of all those involved in the project (Committee, Architect, Town, Project Manager, Clerk of the Work and Contractors) in order to minimize redundancies in the project.  Mr. Para introduced himself to the Committee.  He said that his office would generate a monthly progress report to the Committee.  Questions for Mr. Para or Mr. Pagano should be directed through the Chair.  A copy of the agreement and the matrix will be forward to Committee members via the Chair.

Architect’s Report

The Committee reviewed the fire department design meeting minutes of 6/11.  

Dave White suggested that that the entire building should be floored with VCT and then area rugs can be used if wanted.  He said that he did not believe that installing carpet in the Day Room was a good idea due to allergies, asthma, and other sensitivities.  He recommended poured resin flooring in the locker room vs. tile floors as well.  Mr. McKeon said the success of poured resin floors is dependent upon the installer.  One of the reasons to consider carpet is that carpet can now be impregnated with chemicals to kill anything that lands on it.  Additionally, carpet can soften a room and improve its acoustics.  Ms. Siena, Interior Designer with KBA, said that carpet should be a consideration.  However she has many options to consider.  She reviewed flooring options with the Committee.  Some of the materials discussed included recycled materials.  When final choices are narrowed down, Ms. Siena will look for “greener” options.   However, recycled products generally mean more money.  Ms. Siena will send the Committee a recommended comparative matrix listing including choices/costs/pros/cons/maintenance by room.  Mr. Para suggested that the Committee should think of their decisions holistically and think of the entire building (floors/ceilings etc.).

Mr. McKeon provided updates on interior and exterior design changes. He reported that according to Town Planner Pam Harding, the building would not have a height zoning issues because it falls into the municipal category and is exempt.

Mr. McKeon conducted a review of the lower level floor plan.  KBA will design/allow for chair storage in the Community Training Room. Chief Chandler expressed concern regarding the 911 room.  The space is cramped because the room has lost two square feet of space in the last two weeks during the design development process.  He commented that staff needs to have room to move around the 3 or 4 racks down the middle of the room.  KBA to complete a design layout of the 911 room.

The Committee conducted a review of the exterior to the building.  Brick on the new building will match the brick on existing fire station. The Committee reviewed fiber cement clapboard color samples. The Chairman asked KBA to consider adding shakes to the exterior design to help breakup the clapboard.  Different textures will help break up the size of the building.  Mr. Costa informed the Committee that the design inspiration for the building came from The Red Barn on Shrewsbury Street.
Mr. McAndrew continues to work on improving the design impact/improvements to the Police Department entrance with a larger covered gable and an increase in glass.  Additionally, the elevation grade from the first responder area down to the main entrance will be terraced/tiered.

Mr. McKeon said that there would be a meeting with KBA and Police Staff on 6/24 to review design development issues.  KBA will hold a team coordination meeting on 6/20.

The Chairman said that the next PSBC meeting would be held on July 2nd.  50% design development drawings and color schemes will be presented

Treasury Actions

Mr. Karl Makela presented invoices to the Committee for signature.

New Business

The Energy Ad-Hoc Committee will meet June 23, 2008 at 9:30AM at the HMLD Meeting Room.  PSBC members may attend.

Mary Ryan and Dave White will be unable to attend the July 2, 2008 meeting.

Right of Way research continues.

Mr. Pagano commented on the Architect’s Meeting Minutes of June 11th . He asked if there are any design fees or construction costs associated with adding features to the scope of the work?
Specifically, he said he was looking for a cost/fee schedule to these changes.

The Chairman asked Mr. McKeon, as KBA goes through the meetings, are they labeling “creep” items?  Mr. McKeon said they would notify the committee of impact changes: some negative some positive.  He said that this was his job, and would generate a report for circulation.  Additionally, he will keep committee apprised of “cost trending.”

The Chairman has the most recent copy of the cost final details.

Chief Chandler asked for an open issues/outstanding items list.  Mr. McKeon said that a report would be generated and circulated separately from the Architect’s report.  

DCR follow up by Ken Costello.  The Site will be designed with a Recharge system for runoff and paving the parking lot will probably not be an issue.

Mr. Para inquired when wetland setback lines would be identified?  The Committee said that Don Graves with Graves Engineering recommended that this system be done in the fall to allow vegetation to establish.  Property was flagged several years ago and the Committee has an idea where the respective setbacks are.

Mr. Pagano said that he wants the wetland area definitively identified now.  He recommended that the Committee ask that that decision be reconsidered and the work done now.  Waiting might have a negative impact and The Rivers Act regulations may effect site.  KBA to consult Ken Costello.


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Peter Liddy, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JUNE 18, 2008 MEETING AT 8:30PM.